About Us

The All India Spices Exporters Forum (AISEF), Established in 1987, AISEF relentlessly works in the interests of the spice industry globally by creating a sustainable and pro-development business environment conducive to growth. AISEF has today evolved in the international arena as the Voice for the Spice Fraternity. The growth of the forum was made possible by the support from other trade associations from around the world including ASTA.
AISEF today comprises of a majority of the leading Spice Exporters from India. The Forum closely collaborates with the Spices Board of India, Ministry of Commerce, Horticulture Department Boards, Indian Institute of Spice Research, Directorate of Arecanut and Spices Development, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, Sustainable Spices Initiative India etc. and interacts with them on a regular basis on all regulatory matters concerning spices. AISEF is actively involved in the setting of standards for Spices in the Codex Committee.
AISEF also takes concerted efforts to ensure sustainable spice cultivation through collaborative efforts with IDH and WSO. The objective is to improve all stake holders of the industry by providing economic viability, ensuring social soundness and by inculcating environmental responsibility. For farm-level projects AISEF partners with World Spice Organisation (WSO) and works closely with Central & State Governments.
Many initiatives are undertaken by partnering organisations like Indian Institute of Spice Research (IISR), Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFP) and Food Safety Standard Authority of India (FSSAI). AISEF believes that excellence begins at the grass root level and has taken up numerous initiatives with WSO as Socially Responsible Investment to promote sustainability and food safety of Indian Spice Industry. Farmer outreach programmes like Kisan Pragati Yojana (Farmer Development Scheme) and training programmes done through various stakeholder categories AISEF realises its higher purpose.
To strive to consistently increase per unit realization in spices exports by initiating product & packaging development and up gradation.
To undertake and participate in activities to influence policies of state and central bodies.
To shall intervene and catalyze development of better technologies and farm practices in the supply chain by striving for standards of cleanliness, promoting safe use of post- harvest handling.
To shall act as a repository of all market, technical and policy information and disseminate it to all its members, expanding the collective knowledge of our industry and disseminating scientific information to all concerned.